Miriam was typing with her laptop when Imabasi walked into her room.
She was on her bed, and only the typing sounds from the keyboard was heard.
She took a sip of coffee and dropped it back on the stool beside her bed.
She was on her bed, and only the typing sounds from the keyboard was heard.
She took a sip of coffee and dropped it back on the stool beside her bed.
"What do you want in my room? This is my own space Imabasi." She said with an angry tone.
Imabasi stared at her pitifully. She clasp her hands together and then pondered for a while on what to say to Miriam.
"I am so sorry for what happened between us. I am such a naughty friend bestie. I should have just let you use my bathroom without bickering. I am sorry."
She said softly.
She said softly.
Miriam looked into her eyes, and all she saw was contrition in her gaze.
She reached for her hands, and led her closer to the bed. Her eyebrow arched, and she gave her a hard Look.
She reached for her hands, and led her closer to the bed. Her eyebrow arched, and she gave her a hard Look.
"I forgive you." Her tone was deeper, as a light smile curved her lips.
Imabasi gave her an unexpected hug, they squeezed their eyes shut and took a long breath.
Imabasi gave her an unexpected hug, they squeezed their eyes shut and took a long breath.
"I missed you!" Imabasi said amusedly.
"Me too." Miriam responded. They were both relaxed in each others arms.
"For getting you pissed, I am gonna pay for the rent next month alone, and take you on a weekend trip to somewhere." Imabasi whispered excitedly as she redrew herself gently from Miriam's arms.
"Your new boyfriend must be a champ!"
Miriam exaggerated, while Imabasi nodded delightedly.
Miriam exaggerated, while Imabasi nodded delightedly.
"He wants me to bring you over to his house for a weekend.
He is so sweet! He cooks, gives me foot massage when I am stressed out, cuddles me, doesn't nag, he smells like wonder. He has this sensual and sexy smile he drowns me with..."
"I hope he doesn't have bushy armpit like Teddy your crush from Columbia?"
"Mimi! awweeee..." She squealed. "Don't remind me of that son of a pig. He was everything foolish."
Miriam was laughing out loud, and Imabasi was laughing too. Laughing and playing, and feeling like a kid, like they had when they were in secondary back in Nigeria.
"You have met so many types of men in this country.
At a point, I was praying to God to just ignore your silliness over making a choice and keeping to it, and thanks to him he has finally given you the almighty perfect Troy."
Imabasi excitedly watched Miriam as she talked about her encounter with men and kept laughing and breathing out aloud.
"You're a big case Mimi, you mean you remember all of them huh? Do you remember Teejay from Wembley?"
"You mean the guy who had a brown tooth and tiny legs? The guy was almost a dwarf."
Imabasi's laugh sounded like a cry, as she laughed out aloud, clapping her hands together.
"Teejay is the shortest man I have ever seen in London. And he was so loud. He kept talking about how he had sex with a girl at Northala fields...you remember that story?
"Teejay is the shortest man I have ever seen in London. And he was so loud. He kept talking about how he had sex with a girl at Northala fields...you remember that story?
"...And the girl screamed his name uncountable times."
The two women laughed and joked till they were tired. They made dinner together and planned on visiting Troy.
A week after Imabasi and Miriam's reconciliation, they went on a weekend vacation at Troy's place.
Troy couldn't take his eyes off Miriam when he saw her from afar; Walking down from the house with a small traveling box to the car.
His stare was lustful, and the two women didn't notice.
" Hi honey, meet my best friend and only sister Miriam." Imabasi said, pointing her hands to both directions.
"It's a pleasure Miss Miriam. I have heard so much about you." Troy said, as he shook hands with Miriam and held her hands tight. Miriam forcefully redrew her hands from his and gave a forceful laugh.
She fought against a fear that was so dark it felt as if she was smothering in it.
She fought against a fear that was so dark it felt as if she was smothering in it.
Credit: Vicky Bon
In Search of Mr Perfect ( Episode 9)
Reviewed by E.A Olatoye
June 14, 2017

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