Ah, the dreaded business plan. A frightful phrase for many, the very idea of having to write a business plan to apply for bank financing or equity crowdfunding can conjure up feelings of frustration or even dread!
That’s why so many business owners put off their funding applications and procrastinate about completing their business plans, even when they know finishing the task is in their best interests.
But if you need a business bank loan to grow your retail or e-commerce business, then you can’t avoid the business plan. Fortunately, you can use an approach that’s productive, interesting, and even (dare I say it?) fun, to develop a business plan that helps you apply for financing and becomes an important tool for guiding your company’s growth.
The “Ideal Customer” Approach to Business Planning
Gone are the days of the 80-page novella with reams of meaningless hockey stick graphs and business jargon. Your business is new and innovative, and your business plan should reflect that. Start with a simple question:
Who is my Ideal Customer?
Every single other piece of content you write for your business plan should be written with the answer to this question in mind. Once you have defined the one perfect customer for your business—the one you would simply clone thousands of times if you could—then you have a foundation for your market research, your marketing plan, your operations manual, even your financial projections. With a clear understanding of what problem your business solves and who you solve it for, writing a business plan becomes an exercise in how you’re going to make your ideal customers happy.
A business plan should be an exercise in how you will make your ideal customers happy.
Suddenly, a business plan becomes something actionable. Something you can actually use to guide your business and evaluate your progress.
It also becomes something focused, specific, and clear. It’s no 80-page tome. It’s a succinct breakdown of exactly what your business will do and who it will do it for. That’s pretty compelling.
I’ll tell you this: if you write your business plan with this focus, you will be able to excite any lender or investor who reads it.
What to Include in Your Business Plan
Even with this new approach, your business plan should still be laid out the way lenders expect to see it. I recommend starting with this general outline and customizing it to your business.
1. Executive Summary: An overview of your business plan. Summarize all the important points in one page.
2. Business Overview
a. Products & Services: What you sell and who you sell it to.
b. Company Ownership/Legal Status: Who owns your company, and what percentage of the business does each owner have? Is the company a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation? How much money has been invested into the company by the owners to date?
c. Start-up Summary: How much money do you need and how will you spend it?
d. Mission/Vision: What’s your purpose for being in business? This is an important part of the story you want to share with your customers and your lender.
e. Goals & Objectives: Include at least one short-term (within year 1) and one long-term (3+ years) goal for your business, and 2-3 smaller objectives that will help you reach those goals.
3. The Market
a. The Ideal Customer: Who is your customer avatar?
b. Market Size: Discuss your overall market and how big you think it is.
c. Market Segmentation: Your products and services will appeal to a few different kinds of customers. Describe your market segments, and indicate which one your ideal customer falls into.
4. Industry Trends: What are the local and global trends in your industry? This is also a good place to talk about switching costs, suppliers, and the potential for new competitors to emerge.
5. Competition: List your major competitors along with their strengths and weaknesses. Include an explanation of the benefits they offer to buyers.
6. Marketing & Sales Plans
a. Competitive Advantage: What sets you apart from everyone else who sells what you sell?
b. Marketing Plan: What will your initial and ongoing marketing activities look like, and what’s your budget for those? How many new customers should your marketing activities bring you? How many subscribers? How much website traffic?
7. SWOT Analysis: Analyze your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. What are the best things about your company? What are you not so good at? What market or industry shifts can you take advantage of and turn into opportunities? Are there external factors threatening your ability to succeed? Add a paragraph discussing how the business will overcome its weaknesses and threats.
8. Operations
a. General Operations: What are your opening hours? What is the process for bringing on a new customer? How about getting reviews, feedback or referrals? Do you have a clear sales funnel (the path people take to become your customer)? What does a typical day in your business look like?
b. Location: If you have a location, describe it and why you chose it. If you're choosing to do business online instead, explain why.
c. Distribution: Are all your sales direct to customer, or do you sell wholesale or through affiliate partners?
d. Suppliers: Who are the major suppliers for your business, and how did you choose them?
9. Management & Personnel
a. Management Overview: Describe your management team’s background and explain their roles in the day-to-day operation of the business.
b. Personnel/Staffing: Summarize your personnel needs here, including your hiring schedule, approximate wages, and your organizational chart. Explain what each staff member does on a daily basis. It’s your people who operate your business, so you need to explain what they do to make it tick.
10. Exit Strategy: Do you plan to operate this business forever, or eventually sell, license or franchise it? Lenders need to know how they’re going to get their money back.
11. Financial Projections
a. Assumptions: Everyone skips this part, but it’s the most important part of the financial forecasts. Explain your assumptions about revenue, sales growth, and expenses here.
b. Break Even: Briefly summarize when you expect your company to start breaking even—that is, earn enough revenue to cover all operating costs.
c. Profit & Loss: Highlight your projected net profits and explain whether they are higher or lower than the industry standard, and why.
d. Cash Flow: Explain your credit policies and offer a plan for what you’ll do if your cash balance starts to get low.
e. Balance Sheet: Briefly explain the expected debt (loans or lines of credit) to equity (owner or investment contribution) in your business, and why you chose this balance.
Know When to Stop Writing
It’s so easy to go overboard with market research and analysis. Keep it focused mostly on your ideal customer, with just a short paragraph on each of your other market segments.
In your Personnel section, you don’t need to provide complete job descriptions. In most cases, just a line or two will do. In the competitive analysis, review only your top 3-5 closest competitors; if you have many competitors, as restaurants and retail stores often do, group them into categories instead of analyzing each one individually.
Lenders don’t have time to read really long business plans, so don’t write them. Usually, a lender will review your Executive Summary and Financial Projections first, and if they like what they see, they’ll move on to review the rest of the plan. Make sure your Executive Summary summarizes your ideal customer, your financing request, your estimated loan payback period, your profit potential, and your team’s capability to make it all happen—all in one page.
I repeat—your Executive Summary should only be one page long.
And don’t try to write it until the rest of your business plan is finished. It’s always the last task you should tackle, when the plan is still fresh in your mind and the most important points are easy to recall.
When you’ve done all of this, you’ll have a concise business plan that probably won’t exceed 20 pages.
What to Do With Your Business Plan After You Get Funding
With a business plan focused on your ideal customer, you hold in your hand a powerful tool for keeping your business on track. Assuming you set clear goals and objectives in the plan, you can go back and review these to evaluate whether or not you’ve achieved them.
You can use your financial forecasts to compare to your company’s actual performance, and quickly see if anything needs to shift. And when you’re making decisions about marketing campaigns, you can review your ideal customer profile to make sure your marketing dollars are being spent in places that will resonate with the people you want to sell to.
See? A business plan can be an interesting and useful tool for your business, as well as an essential document for getting a business loan. When you see your plans actually start to manifest, you’ll be very glad you did all of that work and didn’t shove it into a desk drawer when you were done.
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By Jessica Oman |
How To Write A Business Plan Lenders Can't Shrug Off
Reviewed by E.A Olatoye
May 06, 2016
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