You Are Created For A Purpose

My mother used to cook beans, but before she cooked the beans, she picked the bad and dirty beans and threw them at our backyard and only cooked the good beans.

But when the rain came, the dirty and bad beans became seed and grew up and looked beautiful; interestingly, that same person who threw them away started harvesting them; and she starts to see that the beans she threw away some time ago had value.

Now let me tell you:

1. Don't cry when people throw you at the backyard,
2. Don't cry when they rejected you,
3. Don't cry while they are looking down at you.
4. Some may see you as burden.
5. Some may say you are too dull.
5. Some may say it was because of your past mistakes .Don't worry.

The rain is coming and the same people who are rejecting you will invite you and God will make you the chief cornerstone.

God loves even those that are left out and looked down upon.

God will bless you, just stay connected to Him, improve on yourself and everyone will see how valuable you are. You are not an accident child, God created you for a special purpose and it is only you that can solve that problem or provide solution to that issue.

You are unique and special in the eye of God. Ensure you fulfill your destiny and make God and yourself proud. Go out there, navigate, conquer your fears and succeed in your chosen field. You can do it.

E.A Olatoye

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You Are Created For A Purpose You Are Created For A Purpose Reviewed by E.A Olatoye on February 17, 2023 Rating: 5

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